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Remedy Eldercide, iUnivese, 2009


Remedy Eldercide, Restore Elderpride

Remedy Eldercide, Restore ELDERPRIDE will surely become an election issue. Just look at the voting pool. 77 million baby boomers, that grew up expecting the best of everything, turned 60 in 2006. If the nursing home industry does not change they can only expect the worst. 36 million people have joined AARP because they want bargaining power. 1.7 million people are already institutionalized in nursing homes and are facing extinction. Millions more will have to face the possibility of one day joining the list of system victims.

Every American has a personal, vested interest in changing this struggling industry. Without a comprehensive overhaul the current health care system will be bankrupt in 2020 with the cost exceeding $4 trillion dollars annually or 36% of the GNP. 6% of those costs are funding the nursing home industry. That means that unless we make a change we will spend 960 billion dollars, in four years, to fund a system that kills its patients and bankrupts itself and its operators. This book details three prevailing principles that makes this problem solvable:

Embrace the restorative care model

Use computer technology and case management to customize care plans for each patient

Pay for performance based on outcomes attained. RESTORATIVE CARE remedies Eldercide the systematic institutionalization of the elderly and disabled by restoring function of the mind, the body, the emotions and the spirit…any of these that are slighted in treating the aging process results in chronic illnesses and dependence on prescription drugs and nstitutional care. Health Care Reform (notably Obama Care) does not use Health Sciences and holistic methods for establishing processes that deal with the whole person and still depend on inductive reasoning (guessing) and treatment rather deductive processes and prevention of such diseases using the pursuit of definable and measurable outcomes. The MEDICAL MODEL (symptomatic treatment) and the SOCIAL MODEL (elderly housing) now in practice models are not the solution for managing the aging processes. This book defines the problems facing society with the BOOMERS COMING at us and lays out the methods, systems and outcomes that need to be pursued by physicians, hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, home care and hospice providers. It also proposes a SHIFT in the payment paradigm based on outcomes and funding using Self Health Insurance Funding Trusts that allow the individual to manage their own health care services and costs.

Restor e Elderpride, iUniverse, 2013


Restore Elder Pride – Shift the Paradigm

In 2006, seventy-seven million baby boomers—people who worked hard all their lives—will begin to turn sixty. They have a right to expect the best of everything, but if the nursing home industry doesn’t change dramatically and soon, they can only expect the worst. Today, nearly two million people are institutionalized in nursing homes, and millions more will face the possibility of one day joining the ranks of system victims.

Every American has a personal, vested interest in shifting the paradigm of a struggling industry that is on the verge of collapse and that ends patients’ lives prematurely. Author and CPA Jerry L. Rhoads is a fellow of the American College of Health Care Administrators fellow, a licensed nursing home administrator, and the CEO of All-American Care, Inc. In Restore Elder Pride, he shares an educated insider’s look at a system in crisis—and how each person can be a part of the solution. He outlines the three prevailing principles that make this problem solvable:

  • Embrace the restorative care model as a necessary transition between the current medical and social models.
  • Use computer technology and case management to customize care plans for each patient in order to manage interventions for positive outcomes.
  • Pay for performance based on outcomes attained.

He calls his approach restorative care, and that involves changing the approach to elder care to embrace more humane and productive outcomes. By restoring function of the mind, body, emotion, and spirit, Rhoads believes that the industry can be saved.

America in the Red Zone, iUniverse, 2014


America in the Red Zone – In Pursuit of the Self-Health End Zone Diet

Science and socialized health care continue to wage a diabolical struggle that’s hurting the overall health of the nation. Meanwhile, we’re receiving conflicting signals about our collective health, with some studies predicting we’ll live longer and other studies showing that obesity and disease will cut our lives short.

Among the American population, 66 percent of people exercise fewer than ten minutes per week, 45 percent do not read food labels, and 25 percent use some form of mind-altering chemicals. Most Americans don’t even have long-term care insurance or a financial plan for nursing home care.

In this self-health guide, Jerry Rhoads, the President and CEO of All-American Care—a long-term care firm specializing in restorative care—cuts through the confusion and provides solutions that boost personal wellness. You can learn how to make time to exercise, determine whether Obama Care is a solution or an added burden, take advantage of tax incentives that promote a healthy lifestyle, and improve your relationships with loved ones.

Get the facts you need in order to understand the problem, and take steps to ensure that you can enjoy a healthy life even when we see America in the Red Zone.

otherbookBasic Cost Accounting for Long Term Care Facilities, CBI Publishing, 1981

Basic Cost Accounting for Long Term Care Facilities

This book focuses on:

  • Accounting principles for nursing homes.
  • How to prepare an operating and a capital budget.
  • The principles and the components of standardized cost accounting for long term care.
  • The principles and cost reporting for Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement (author specializes in interpreting applying the regulations for Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement).

It proposes the quality of care principles and how to measure and comply with the Federal and State standards.

The author has been a recognized expert in these areas and has been a consultant to State and Federal regulatory agencies, trade associations and multiple clients in his CPA firm.

How to Live Forever

What are the odds of a marriage lasting 60 years? Experts calculate that only 1 in 600,000 marriages will last 60 years. And .001 per 1,000 will last 70 years. It is our goal to break the world’s record of 90 years or die happy trying. That’s another 30 years … how in our world can you live that long?

We believe we are our reality, due to our lifestyle, and everyone we meet wants to know “what’s your secret for being married 60 years looking as good as you two look and how can we get what you’ve got”? With tongue in cheek, I get a laugh, when I say its ‘Sex, Kids and Rock-N-Roll.” But in essence, it’s a give and take loyal partnership and we have defied the conventional aging wisdom … which is to retire at 55, 60 or 65 and start the dying process. We, however, in our early seventies, acquired three nursing homes then sold them in our late seventies and started a new career … co-writing this book about how our vows formed a lasting happy relationship, and reformed them if needed, to stay happily married together forever after…



America is number one in health care cost per capita and 38th in quality care. Statistically, Americans spend more money on their health care than anything else but food. But the consumption of the health care dollar is predominately not paid for by the consumer. The middlemen, so to speak, make the forces of free enterprise moot. Consumers are bystanders in the relationship between purchase and quality because they do not directly pay for the service or products.

This phenomenon is called Monopsony. The consumer is not the buyer. But the buyer is almost singly dominant. This is the reverse of Monopoly where the seller has the last say. This is not Microsoft at work. It is the Federal and State Medicare and Medicaid programs that buy upwards of 75% of all health care service products. Under the Obama Nation Government will be the purchaser of last resort for all Americans. Due to the onslaught of the “baby boomers” both the Government run health care and the insurance industry will bankrupt America unless they learn how to Win the Monopsony Game. This book defines the problems and proposes common sense solutions.

Health Care for All (SHIFT the Paradigm to a Public-Private Partnership)

Problem: We Must Fix Nursing Homes, Hospitals, Physician and Pharmacy Services for Accountability and Cost Effectiveness for Vaccination versus Pandemic, Outcomes Versus Incomes, Prevention versus Treatment, Quality versus Quantity, Results versus Political Promises, Health care versus Wealth care!

(Solution is a Public-Private Partnership for Warp Speed Changes to Health Care)

The small country of Singapore has the best health care system in the world. It’s a Public-Private Partnership. Practicing an Enterprise Model of preventive health and delivery system labeled “Health Care for All”.

As an example of Government and Private businesses collaborating is the very successful Medisave system in Singapore. An Asian country of 5.7 million. The system was developed by Private business and Government working in collaboration.

The author’s SHIFT the paradigm to a Public-Private Partnership system is similar to this Singapore Medisave Healthcare System that is the most cost effective, efficient and quality driven solution in the world today. They are number 1 in quality and number 1 in lowest cost per capita. While America is number 1 in highest cost per capita and 38th in quality indicators.

The Eleventh Wonder of the World (second edition)

Discovering “The Eleventh Wonder of the World”

Author releases the Fourth book from his Wonders of the World poetry series,

A poetic view of our worldly being

Poetry is so personal it is hard to convince readers to take the time to feel the words, not just read them. In “The Eighth Wonder of the World”, the first in the series, the author presents something everyone possesses but doesn’t realize its value. Then each sequel, as in the fourth book, The Eleventh Wonder of the World, will resonate with the reader as they discover their own physical and metaphysical connection to each person in the world.

The series of Wonders of the World poems are to relate all humans on Earth to a common denominator. The mind (eighth wonder) and the soul (ninth wonder) are the human metaphysical commonalities, whereas the heart (tenth wonder) and the brain (the eleventh wonder) are physical commonalities. Finally, the spirit (twelfth wonder), our infinite energy, is what each individual has metaphysically, for the infinite trip from here to there, the final wonder …  the God particle.  To make the trip through the series, each reader will experience many of their own thoughts, feelings, aspirations, relationships to envision a better path in their current lifestyle for better physical and mental health.

The Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth wonders are pertaining to the human aspect of the physical world and the meta physical aspect of each and every one of the 8+ billion people on earth … now known in my five wonder books as the Wonders of our physical and meta physical world. This collection has taken over a period of thirty-five years to recite and capture on tape.  Then over a span of five years they were edited by my wife.  Who didn’t really like poetry until she read the printed version of my recorded feelings and thoughts of her and the family.   Also, I was delving into the meaning of the spoken word, some 50,000 in each book.  Giving a voice to my opinions, values and habits.  Anything and everything that came out of my head and heart were recorded for later publication.

Live and Love Forever After Marriage

What are the odds of living and loving 60+ years after a first marriage like ours? Experts calculate that only 1 in 600,000 marriages will last 60 years. And .001 per 1,000 marriages will last 70 years. Especially since the divorce rate for first time marriages exceeds 50% and 70% for all others. (Every 13 seconds, there is a divorce in America. That equates to 2,419,196 divorces per year). To our knowledge none have lived and loved forever after their first marriage vows blessed with the fountain of (you)th we have. However, it’s our goal to break the world’s marriage record of 93 years or die happy trying. Trying is another 30 years … how in the world can you live that long, look that good and feel good doing it? Our answer is life and love are eternal and we have vowed to live and love our life, forever after our marriage. So, can you.

We believe we have made our own reality, due to our lifestyle, and everyone we meet wants to know “what’s your secret for being married 60+ years and how can we get what you’ve got”? With tongue in cheek, we get a laugh, when I say its ‘Sex, Kids and Rock -N-Roll.” But in essence, it’s a give and take loyal partnership and we have defied the conventional aging wisdom … which is retire at 55, 60 or 65 and start the chronic dying process. We however, in our early seventies, acquired three nursing homes then sold them in our late seventies and started a new career … co-writing this book about how our vows and habits formed a happy, loving lifestyle and a long-lasting relationship. Then reforming them if needed, to stay married and live together forever after.

12 Vows to Stay Married: Forever After

What are the odds of a marriage lasting 60 years? Experts calculate that only 1 in 600,000 marriages will last 60 years. And .001 per 1,000 will last 70 years. It is our goal to break the world’s record of 90 years or die happy trying. That’s another 30 years … how in our world can you live that long?

We believe we are our reality, due to our lifestyle, and everyone we meet wants to know “what’s your secret for being married 60 years looking as good as you two look and how can we get what you’ve got”? With tongue in cheek, I get a laugh, when I say it’s ‘Sex, Kids and Rock-N-Roll.” But in essence, it’s a give and takes loyal partnership and we have defied the conventional aging wisdom … which is to retire at 55, 60, or 65 and start the dying process. We, however, in our early seventies, acquired three nursing homes then sold them in our late seventies and started a new career … co-writing this book about how our vows formed a lasting happy relationship, and reformed them if needed, to stay happily married together forever after…

The American Enterprise Party (Volume I): The Swing Vote to Drain the Swamp and Reign in Big Brother and the Brotherhood

The Great American Enterprise is Broken!

We now have no debt limit and $30 trillion in debt with a credit rating of, at best B-. What next? What do we do when we can’t cut checks for social security, Medicare and Medicaid claim, government payroll and interest payments to China, Japan and millions of 10-year treasury notes with interest due and past due? Since America is insolvent, as debt escalates, the value of the dollar shrinks and cash flow disappears, America needs a third political party to act as the legislative “swing vote” on saving the Great American Enterprise from bankruptcy and ensuring our global sovereignty. (See the following financial data reported on the debt clock for second by the second financial condition of the American economy:

The American Enterprise Party (Volume II): American Enterprise Manifesto

In Volume two of the American Enterprise Party Trilogy, I write about how to elect an effective third party candidate and why this is imperative to save our great American Enterprise. After being told that an effective third party will never happen, because money-tics blinds voters to the loss of their liberties, I present compelling reasons for why our current fiscal condition requires action. That’s exactly why a third party swing vote is needed in Congress to find solutions to those problems, not capitulating over woke issues like socialism versus capitalism and racism versus humanism. Where everything is wonderful until our politicians run out of other people’s money. So, leadership and timing are everything and the time has come to balance the books and the power.

With President Biden leading the progressives taking over building back a bigger government, Big Brother will finally regulate the Great American Enterprise to its everlasting death, unless the binary system of government is turned upside down. The book proposes how to make sure a third party is viable. There are thirteen steps (chapters) to make this happen and why it will work with Chapter 13 laying out the entire platform. With the motto downsize government and upsize enterprise. “Most bad government has grown out of too much government” … Thomas Jefferson.

The American Enterprise Party (Volume III): Restore the American Enterprise Work Ethic with Humanism

**In Volume Three of the American Enterprise Party Books**, I write about who will represent the USA patriotically and ethically in the worldwide marketplace … to do so we must restore worker patriotism and work ethic that has been destroyed by apathy, and how to . . . “Restore the American Work Ethic” . . . “Where oh Where has it Gone.” It focuses on improving the USA’s output by revamping our input of human capital values. Work for the sake of patriotic pride and the quality of life not just for the sake of money and job security. Unfortunately, we the American enterprising workers, are hampered by Big Government and Big Business as being Better and our own ineffectiveness because of a lack of competitiveness and quality as defined by Humanism in a Lassez-Faire free-market enterprise.

Health Care for All: (SHIFT the Paradigm to a Public-Private Partnership)

I know this man is right. I worked in healthcare (rehabilitation administration), and now I work in insurance (I am licensed to sell, among other lines, Medicare, long-term care, and health insurance policies). Jerry Rhoads bravely offers up solutions to serious and increasing problems. This book is worth consideration by Baby Boomers, as well as their Generation XYZ offspring, but I would especially like to press it into the hands of my former healthcare employers. Which brings me to how I know that this man is right: After reading 88 percent of the book, hearing Jerry Rhoads out, and becoming convinced that his strategies were worth at least a try, he mentioned one of the communities that he had turned around: The United Methodist Village, in my home community. My great aunt lived there. I did not know that Jerry Rhoads was lead consultant of the team that turned Lawrenceville’s Methodist Village into the flagship I have always known it as until that point in my reading. This man is right, and we need to listen to him.