Republicans have indicated repealing Obama Care will be the trigger point for their universal health care program. We have yet to get a definitive plan from any candidate to answer to the question … what is needed and what is affordable?
Therefore, instead of repeal I propose amending it for the pork and replace those improprieties with the real meat?
Meat: SHIFT THE PARADIGM (self-health insurance funding trust) from socialized medicine to enterprise heath preservation based on outcome not income.
Get rid of the insurance exchanges and create a new insurance entity that is owned by its covered lives (mutual companies as we have in life insurance).
What’s left of Obama Care is the platform for a truly universal health care program that is both private and public sector administered. The intent of the law is supportable but the policies and implementation procedures are purely academic leaving out the entrepreneurial spirit in its purpose and outcome.
Currently the bureaucrats and PhD’s are forming a Monopsony system that is driven by input data not output data (using negative income incentives and false ratings rather than positive outcome results) that keeps the control in their hands not the providers and producers of GDP. The results are clear when you examine the failure of the VA and America being 38th in worldwide quality and having the highest cost per patient.
If you want to look at a similar Enterprise example go to the Singapore Model (number 1 in quality and cost per patient) … no other known health care program will make our current situation acceptable to our aging voters.
Jerry is a CPA who specializes in Medicare and Medicaid payment policies and procedures. He has owned a CPA firm, a management consulting firm and software development company. He also is a licensed Nursing Home Administrator in three states and owned nursing homes in those states. He, his wife and son sold them in 2015. Jerry and his wife have formed a publishing company and is now publishing his books on health care, political topics that impact health care, poetry and novels.