Think old and pan for mold
Think young and pan for gold
Age is an attitude
Thinking young is no platitude
As soon as you’re old enough to think
And your eyes start to focus and blink
Age becomes a factor
Somewhat a hindrance and a detractor
In those younger years
The strain of growing up can be the fears
As each person goes at this own gait
But in many respects tis maturity that can’t wait
Days seemed so long
And Daddy only seemed to see what’s wrong
Pushed here and going there
At times it’s rather hard to care
Then fighting upward to the school days
Still looking for attention and some parental praise
Wondering if that’s why we’re unsure
Feeling more than somewhat insecure
As having fun is nothing pure
Thinking life must be a cure
And if there isn’t a firm hand
Directing traffic with some command
The route can take a rocky course
Ending up in the ring or sing-sing
Or riding the wild white horse
With Rehab to get clean from remorse
Of course that doesn’t necessarily round out squares
Most kids come through with some of those scares
Yes that’s true but all in all
Youth is just stretching to be tall
That will last through life
Like the cutting edge of a knife
Walked on the sharp edge
Then age will be like falling off a ledge
Be it nothing or something dull
To get common sense through that skull
When it’s as simple as a positive attitude
At any age for just being alive is gratitude
Unlike the people around you joining their cult
Until thereto emerges an adult
Accepting chemicals and drugs
Sweeping dreams and goals under the rugs
Either living around pride or
Just another insult
With authority setting the path for going places
Or trying to fill in the insecurity and dead spaces
But no matter what
It’s true that what you’ve got
Is an attitude of mind
It’s the lifeline you’ve allowed to unwind
A biological age is an attitude of what when and where
Activated by the cool collected ability to care
So no matter if you’re at the fifty sixty seventy or eighty
And look and feel natty
Are you happy, healthy, prosperous
Is this your chorus
Knowing that tomorrow won’t cease
And staying young is for the most not the least
That chronological age is a platitude
Fifty sixty seventy eighty ninty-nine
The shape of the body is a sign
All shaped by the mind
It’s your heritage from your past
Whether you believe in legacies cast
Positive attitudes enable the body to outlast
Those negative thinkers aging too fast
Just as Oprah and Bob Green proved
That the body moved
And the mind grooved
For the long run
Will pan the gold until a healthy life is done
And age is a MARATHON won
That most won’t run
Jerry is a CPA who specializes in Medicare and Medicaid payment policies and procedures. He has owned a CPA firm, a management consulting firm and software development company. He also is a licensed Nursing Home Administrator in three states and owned nursing homes in those states. He, his wife and son sold them in 2015. Jerry and his wife have formed a publishing company and is now publishing his books on health care, political topics that impact health care, poetry and novels.
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