IS OBAMA CARE WORKING? Is Obama Care doing the job and is Medicare and Medicaid working? Obama Care is making it worse by leaving the audits of claims to insurance reviewers that only look at paper and never talk to the providers and makes decisions based on their voluminous documentation requests. Over 800,000 claims amounting to $2 billion dollars are in appeal due to illegal interpretations being made by the State and Federal regulatory agencies. The States are becoming the…..
How to navigate long term care. This becomes the challenge when your parents, loved one or relations need to go to a nursing home then into Home care, Hospice care and Assisted Living. As Obama Care pays health networks for population health … in other words the Federal Government gives them a budget based on their market area’s census and risk pools of elderly and disabled patients coming to them for critical care. They need to sign up continuum contracts…..
STAY AT HOME USING THE SELF-HEALTH PROGRAM The odds are we all will need a nursing home in our future. Hospitals are for short term and skilled nursing homes are for long term restorative care. But the following is the essence of living longer by living better … thus staying out of nursing homes. Practice a Self-Health program at any age Prevention of chronic diseases at any age Rate your current age Rate your current health Find a holistic physician…..
The odds are we all will need a nursing home in our future. Hospitals are for short term and skilled nursing homes are for long term restorative care or long term living after a debilitating illness. LEARN ABOUT NURSING HOMES Which ones are the best? Which ones are the worst? How are they paid? Are the regulators doing the job? I have personally spent 37 years working with various nursing homes on their financial and operational problems. After being on…..