Cost of Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Regardless of setting, the cost of services can be significant, which is why many state and federal policymakers have been reluctant to take on the issue of financing LTSS (Long Term Services and Supports). For example, in 2014 the average annual cost for a home health aide was approximately $45,800, the cost for community-based adult day-care centers was on average $16,900 per year,7,8 and the average annual cost to live in a nursing…..
Introduction Last year, the United States Senate Committee on Finance (Committee) took its first step in an important initiative to improve care for the millions of Americans managing chronic illness. On July 15, 2014, the Committee held a hearing entitled, “Chronic Illness: Addressing Patients’ Unmet Needs.” Senators heard compelling testimony from individuals battling multiple chronic medical conditions who are seeking more effective tools to help them navigate today’s complex health care system. Senators also heard from providers, employers, and health…..
This message is specific to skilled nursing facilities. As discussed at the Community Collaborative last week, Genesis will be revising the list of providers given to patients and families who will be selecting a skilled nursing facility for their post acute care. One of the key quality points communicated to consumers will be the presence of 24/7 RN staffing in area facilities. As we discussed and agreed upon on Wednesday morning, the easiest and most accurate way for us to…..
According to McKnight news and I quote: “As you may know, Puerto Rico now finds itself in a deep financial crisis. How bad is it? Well, let’s just say Illinois looks fiscally responsible by comparison. Yeah, it’s that bad.” “For after many years of spending far more than it could ever hope to pay back, Puerto Rico is now officially insolvent. To help dig out, the island’s lawmakers turned to Congress for help. Federal lawmakers responded by passing a law…..